My friend & I'm sure many others out there like her believe that hypoglycemia is a disease/disorder that they are afflicted with like cancer. But this isn't the case. Hypoglycemia is a process that occurs in your body when blood sugar levels do not remain steady, but dip down too low at certain times. A natural trigger then goes off to signal that the body needs more glucose. From there the body responds with a hormone called "glucagon" from the pancreas which will elevate blood sugar levels. My friend has been led to believe that she has "no control" over this disorder when nothing could be further from the truth. She has complete control over this & it starts with what she's putting into her body.
Simply eating carbohydrates, which is what most people eat, leads to a progression of blood sugar problems which can escalate into insulin resistance. This means that the cells are less responsive to insulin & are less able to get glucose into the cell (which needs it to create energy). Eventually this leads to weight gain, especially in the abdomen & torso.
Things you can do:
- start each day with a breakfast that includes a protein & a fat, along with a non-refined carbohydrate
- eat every 2 hours
- decrease coffee/cola consumption
~Dr. Terri